It is therefore a more generic correspondence
Best sneakers assumes that you have made a ranking of the best sneakers on the market and that you probably sell in your store. The search best prices for sneakers for children although it contains the words you chose takes on a completely different meaning. For this reason Google Ads will notice the lack of match and will not show your ad. If you want to delve further into the topic you can watch the video by Gianpaolo Lorusso the founder of ADworld Experience.Returning to landing page optimization your task now is to provide the best interface possible while having a clear idea of what your visitors intention is. You are no longer forced into rigid patterns that required you to Phone Number Data use specific keywords. You need to put yourself in your customers shoes and realize what they expect to find within the page they are about to land on. Try the strategy of starting with broad match and only then moving on to the new Google Ads phrase match illuminated signs Susan Wenograd has listed in an article in English on the Search Engine Journal blog simple tips for creating Google Ads ads that will make you earn more. Some of these are very well known although Susan was right to repeat them.,h_428,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/bf7bae_bbb89c5d60d14ab8be28768560c09bcd~mv2.jpg
I have already told you about others in this article. What I want to talk to you about now however concerns the strategy of changing the keyword match type over time. The suggestion is to start your campaign only with generic correspondence to thus have a good base of information to analyze. After a period that you yourself deem appropriate you will have a more complete vision of the terms that lead to a better conversion. Armed with this information you are now ready and more knowledgeable to move on to other types of correspondence.