The faster you express the associations
For example, you should develop an online campaign for a chocolate cake to-go, then you could divide the problem into three words, namely “chocolate cake”, “to-go” and “online campaign” and associate all the words with what that stuff holds. The whole thing also works if you think of different terms, write them on individual pieces of paper, mix these pieces of paper and pick one of them. You can use different techniques in the group.A term is drawn or given and then everyone in turn has to name a term that Special Data they directly associate with the stimulus word or that builds on the association of the previous one. Creativity techniques also train the ability to make associations, as can be seen here in the graphic (from sea to shell, swimming and suitcase). Every person associates different things with certain words. Try it out with your colleagues! Example 1: Stimulating word: sea Participant 1: Swimming Participant 2: Mussels Participant 3: Vacation … –> Associated with the stimulus word Example 2: Stimulating word: swimming pool Participant 1: Ice cream Participant 2: Strawberry flavor Participant 3.
Grandma's birthday cake … –> Associated with the association of the predecessor. Good to know: in the group, the more spontaneous the answers will be. With a little practice, your chain of associations will become faster and faster. Compulsory connection This creativity technique is a more advanced technique that is helpful for developing more advanced ideas for certain ideas. Step: The problem is known, defined and formulated. Step: Find a picture or an object that has absolutely nothing to do with the problem and has no connection whatsoever.