Neither their contacts nor yours have access
Time line The correct translation is the “timeline” and this identifies all the publications of the people or brands we follow. Mentions When you want to send a message addressed to someone, you can use theright before the profile name of the person you want to address. (Example: Hello CataRoldán03, look at this news, I thought you might be interested in your work) Thus, the recipient receives a notice that they were mentioned in a comment, who can respond in the same way, thus generating a conversation between two, three or more people.Favorites As on Facebook, there is the option to like or like a Bahamas WhatsApp Number comment, on Twitter it is called the same way and is represented by a heart, which you can click if you feel identified with a specific tweet from some person or brand and it immediately turns red. RT It is short for Retweet and means to forward a message given by a brand or person, so that it appears on your personal profile as your own message. That is, what other people say can be RT by your personal account, just as your messages can be RT by other profiles and your message will be amplified in other profiles, which will provide greater visibility and interaction. DM It is the abbreviation of “direct messages” and its translation is direct message.
It is a way to generate communication privately, that is, only the person you write to will be able to see the DM. Neither their contacts nor yours have access to that communication. This method is used by brands, when users complain for some reason, then the brand comes in to say something like "Tell us in detail about your situation by DM and the area in charge will contact you", this in order not to cause too much. noise around a topic. Glossary for Instagram Filters They are design options , which come with different colors and styles so that users can personalize their photographs before publishing them on the channel, this with the aim of differentiating the photos and giving them a special touch that helps you generate greater engagement.