These are usually small or medium-sized
Stores opened in residential areas. Chain pharmacy or franchise outlets – These are medical stores located in malls and shopping complexes and are part of a pharmacy chain having branches in different areas. These are usually large sized stores. Township Medical Stores – These are opened in a township and cater to the needs of people living in the city or village. Stores in Government premises – These are opened under various government policies and schemes and are directly under the control of the government. These are usually opened inside government offices and buildings.Hospital medical stores, chain pharmacies and township medical stores are usually established by a large corporate hospital or company. Standalone and township medical stores are usually opened as shops by the owner or partners. A person wishing to open a Denmark Phone Number Data medical store must first determine the type of medical store they want to open and apply for registration and other licenses. Requirements for Opening a Medical Store in Hindi Area Specifications: The area of the medical store should be at least 10 square meters for retail business and 15 square meters for wholesale business. Storage Facility: Medical stores are required to have air conditioners or refrigerators as certain medicines like insulin injections, vaccines, serums, etc. should be stored in refrigerators as per the labeling specifications.
Technical Staff: Medical stores require the following technical staff: For wholesale business: Sale of medicines should be made only in the presence of a registered pharmacist with one year experience or a person with four years experience approved by the Drug Control Department. For retail: Medicines should be sold in the presence of a registered pharmacist during working hours. How to do Medical Store Registration (Medical Store Registration in Hindi) Hospital medical stores, chain pharmacies and township medical stores are usually set up as a company or LLP. Standalone and township medical stores are usually established as partnership firms or proprietorships.