Questions and myths about asexuality
There are still few individuals who can say exactly what an asexual person is. Therefore, many doubts and myths about asexuality and how asexual individuals relate circulate in our society, hindering the understanding and acceptance of this sexual orientation. Asexual people can relate Asexual people not only can have romantic relationships, but many want to date, get married and have children. Relationships are not just about sex, so couples with different sexual needs can also be happy together. The complete absence or not of sexual attraction means that asexual people experience sex, dating, marriage, masturbation, orgasm , sexual excitement and other issues that involve human sexuality differently. However, they have the same emotional needs as people with other sexual orientations. Am I an asexual person?Understand the meaning of this! For a relationship between an asexual person and a person of another sexual orientation to work, dialogue, maturity and empathy are essential. Love, companionship, interest and intimacy can be present in the relationship, even with the absence of sex. Thus, the couple needs to reach an agreement on what is considered acceptable and what is not.
It is possible for sexual intercourse to happen, but less frequently so that both partners are satisfied with the relationship. To do this, the couple needs to talk. In this process, spouses may even discover that they enjoy specific aspects of sex or the exchange of caresses, improving the sexual experiences of both. It is essential that a person with another sexual orientation understands that asexuality is not a choice, therefore it is not possible to change it. When agreeing to have a relationship with an asexual person, they need to be willing to understand their emotional needs and not pressure them to DM Databases change their way of being. Lack of libido, celibacy, sexual abstinence and asexuality Typically, an asexual person has little interest in sexual interactions with other people. It's different from losing interest in sex or choosing abstinence. Sexual abstinence and celibacy are choices. In both circumstances, an individual chooses not to have sexual relations , which may or may not be a temporary decision.
In the case of celibacy, this decision may be motivated by religious, cultural or personal reasons. A lack of libido is a decrease in sexual drive, which may be related to a variety of health problems. Low libido often affects well-being and relationship dynamics, especially when it happens suddenly. Accustomed to a certain rhythm in their sexual life, couples can come into conflict when one of the spouses suffers from a lack of libido. To find out what the problem is, you need to consult a doctor. Asexuality is not a health condition Many believe that if someone doesn't like sex, that person has a mental or physical health problem. The initial belief is that all human beings must feel sexual attraction. The asexual person, therefore, should be concerned about their health status and seek treatment. Just like heterosexuality and homosexuality , asexuality is just a sexual orientation. There is nothing wrong with being asexual. Anyone who is not interested in sex should not feel bad about it , even if they hear unpleasant comments from others. Asexuality is not related to trauma Asexuality has nothing to do with negative sexual experiences , abusive relationships , disappointments in love or sexual abuse.