To have the website launching soon I'd like to say a huge thank you to them for the drawings they provided for this post, they are simple and absolutely awesome, I'm sure you'll agree! About Steve Morgan I am a freelancer trading as , based in Cardiff, South Wales, UK. I also run a blog called, which can be found at: With that, you have the tools you need to get it right all in one place. Treat Your Channel Like a Football Team The views of the SEO Analysis author are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of the author.
If you’re like a lot of people (myself included), it’s easy to jump into your analytics packag e moible number data and focus solely on conversion rates. We'd look at reports like the following and make short-sighted decisions: Just looking at the information above,channel. Determining the success of your funnel based solely on conversion rates is short-sighted and will cost you money. Instead, I suggest you think of your channel as a football team. A reasonable football formation looks like this: You have a goalkeeper, a defender, a midfielder and a forward. You would never think of starting a team with only one striker. But that's exactly what we've been doing with our channels.

We create a team that looks like this: We have a set of channels and they are all rated based on their ability to score goals. Please don't make this mistake. I'm okay with the fact that some of my channels have lower e-commerce conversion rates; that's probably not what they were designed for. Channels Are Not Binary One thing I hope you take away from this blog post is that channels are not binary. That's not to say they either drive sales or do nothing; there's a lot of value in between if you know what to look for. In a report called The Customer Journey to Online Purchasing, Google looks at the role each channel may play in the customer journey.