Whether it’s a goal you reached, a milestone you celebrated, or a trip to Disneyland! dream they want to come true this year. dreamcometrue Jan : Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebrate this day by sharing your favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quote and asking your audience to share theirs. MLKDay Jan : National Compliment Day Share the love with other businesses in your community! Post a comment on another local business’s Instagram or Facebook page giving them a compliment. nationalcomplimentday Get a full list of + social media holidays for every month of the year here! February.
Don’t skimp out on the shortest month of the year. There are still plenty of observances and opportunities for your wedding photo editing service business to celebrate as part of your marketing plan. February marketing calendar ideas Run a Valentine’s Day sale or promotion to show your customers how much you love them. Send your customers your Valentine’s Day promotion over email so they get a little love in their inboxes. We put together + February email subject lines you can use! To celebrate Black History Month, share your favorite quotes from Black leaders or historical figures on social media and ask your audience to share theirs.

February is also Heart Disease Awareness month, so share resources on your social sites to educate your audience. Send an extra February promotion to customers on Feb. for Random Acts of Kindness Day. February social media calendar ideas Add these special February holidays and observances to your social media calendar to show your audience some love. Feb : Super Bowl Sunday Share your and your team member’s Super Bowl Sunday plans and ask your audience to share theirs. The day after the Super Bowl, ask your audience what their favorite commercial was.