Turn off the water supply The first thing to do in an immediate plumbing emergency is to turn off the water. This will help prevent any additional damage. Even a seemingly insignificant leak can cause thousands of dollars in structural damage to your business. You should therefore turn off the water supply as soon as possible. If the toilet or tap leaks, turn off the water supplying the sanitary equipment. If you cannot locate the valve or the water flow does not stop, the next step is to turn off the water supply to your company. The valve that turns off the water is usually located near the water meter. It is also important to locate it as soon as possible. Check for damage Before picking up the phone
to entrust your plumbing emergency to a plumber, assess the damage. Can you identify the problem or where this happened? The information you provide to the craftsman will be important in resolving the emergency. If a gas leak is detected in a broken or noisy appliance , do not hesitate to open Telemarketing Data List doors and windows. Turn off the gas supply . Avoid blocking doors or windows with fabrics or towels, as this can cause dangerous gas buildup. Electricity is another point to check . Any water marks on walls or walls near power outlets and other electrical appliances can be risky. Turn off the electricity to this part of the business using the circuit breaker. Only do this if the electrical box is not affected by the leak. Take photos Although it may seem like a waste of time in the In the middle of the immediate plumbing emergency, you should take some photos or video of the problem while it is happening.

Your insurer and the plumber may use these images. Also remember to take more images once the problem is resolved. Contact a plumbing company The majority of professional plumbers offer emergency services, as plumbing problems are common, especially if you haven't noticed some of the warning signs. Search online or in a local phone book to find a craftsman near you. Call him and explain the problem. He may give you additional instructions before going there. Depending on availability, the service provider will arrive on site as quickly as possible. If it takes too long, you can continue calling other plumbers until you find someone available. Before the next plumbing emergency , record the plumber's contact information. This will save you from doing frantic research. You will be calmer when you know who to call. By following these tips, you can minimize the damage within your business and keep everything under control until a plumber arrives to resolve the immediate plumbing emergency.